PANDDA represents the professional interests

of nurses who support people who have

an intellectual developmental disability.


23rd Annual Conference 2012

Great Expectations: Take nothing on its looks; take everything on evidence. There’s no better rule

26 & 27 November 2012, Novotel Hotel Parramatta

» Conference Program


Disability Nursing: A New Frontier

Gail Tomsic, Clinical Nurse Consultant, Fairfield Multidisciplinary Health Clinic

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A model of support: Working successfully and collaboratively with school aged children with disabilities and complex medical needs

Diana Murphy, Principal, St Georges School & Karen Baker, Parent

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Mental health for children and adolescents with intellectual disability: Establishing a framework for professional practice

Dr David Dossetor, Senior Staff Specialist, Area Director for Mental Health, Clinical Associate Professor,

The University of Sydney. Child Psychiatrist with a special interest in Intellectual Disability and Autism

Chair: Damian Heron, Conference Co-Convenor

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Realignment of Nursing Services and Expectations

Helen Winning, Principal Nurse, Manager, Accommodation and Nursing Services, Hunter NSW

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Medicare Locals - How they can improve the health of people with intellectual disability

Jim Simpson, Lawyer and Advocate, Senior Advocate, NSW Council for Intellectual Disability

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Just One Crumb: A case study of respectful expectations leading to quality outcome

Wendy Dear, Dietician, Hunter & Carole Tranter, NMANS, Kanangra

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In the first person: A body of clinical evidence

Catharine Hulst, Clinical Nurse Consultant, Metro Residences, Sydney

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Specialist Supported Living

Deidre Russell, Director, ADHC, Sydney

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